Whew – we have had a BUSY weekend at CHC. Tribe Shows were great on Saturday and the Kickapoos won 294-290. The girls did a good job. In the next couple of days I hope to email you the YouTube link so you can watch the shows. It won’t be today, but soon. Yesterday we had pictures for the 2B campers and RAIN. We had to post phone the Jr Deb Waterfront until later this week. We had an amended Carnival at the Memorial Arbor since it was so wet, but the girls were still able to dance the night away in their costumes – I wish you could hear and see them having the best time with their friends. It’s so special. Today we had a Sleep-In and we started Water Day at 10. It’s a nice break in the schedule and everyone seems to enjoy the day. The weather forecast looks like rain all week so our scheduling will be tricky. We hope to end today with a movie. Many of you have emailed about Closing – we will be mailing the Closing schedule out today in the Letters Home they wrote yesterday and I will be posting the information here too. Enjoy the photos.
“Camp was the first place I laughed so hard I cried.”